Changing of the Seasons
#85 Lilacs
My neighbor’s lilacs are blooming, but alas, there are none in our tiny yard. They smell so sweet!
I asked Helen, a granddaughter of Sonie about a recipe that I wanted to use on this blog and she wrote me a nice, newsy letter. She loved Sonie dearly! Sonie gave Helen this advice many years ago for changing your home when the seasons change:
I am changing the house over from winter to summer and will have the trunks open and most of Grandma’s albums are there. I will see what I can find. That made me laugh, since it was Grandma that taught me that. I have basic furniture etc. yet each spring, all the heavy drapery fabrics come down, the warmer shades of pillows, spreads etc. all get put away and the whites and creams come out. Then, as my husband preps to leave for deer hunting, it is my sign to put away my whites and creams and warm the house up. I always say I put my house to sleep and wake up his. I prefer the whites and creams and he the darker, richer colors. Grandma taught me to have a neutral background and change the accessories. Buy the best you can afford of anything, take care of it and it will last longer. I have always done that. My husband laughed when we first married at how meticulous I was at putting Christmas away but today I have many of the same exact items. The same with the drapery and summer curtains. I wash, iron and put them away and then they are fresh as new when I re-hang them. Grandma had that flare and hominess to her. She was a home keeper.
Isn’t that nice! As spring wakes up the world outside, we can refresh and wake up our homes inside, too!
From time to time, I’ll share Helen’s memories because they will give you a good feel for the person that Sonie Ames was.
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